ICOC President Avdagiç: We shall make our mothers feel our heart distances are close to each other
Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ICOC) President Şekib Avdagiç, expressed that “we shall touch our mothers who we can not kiss their hands because of Covid-19, through the spring flowers with full of hope on Mother’s Day in this year.”

ICOC President Şekib Avdagiç:
- “Let’s touch our mothers who we can not kiss their hands because of Covid-19, through the spring flowers with full of hope on Mother’s Day in this year.”
Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ICOC) President Şekib Avdagiç, expressed that “we shall touch our mothers who we can not kiss their hands because of Covid-19, through the spring flowers with full of hope on Mother’s Day in this year. We shall make them feel that our heart distances are close altough social distances are far away from each other.”
Avdagiç broadcasted the message on the occassion of Mother’s Day.
Şekib Avdagiç, celebrated not only our mothers whose eyes see us as a child everytime although we grow up, but also our all elders who contribute effors for us.
Avdagiç, mentioned that “we shall touch our mothers who we can not kiss their hands because of Covid-19, through the spring flowers with full of hope on Mother’s Day in this year. We shall make them feel that our heart distances are close altough social distances are far away from each other.”
Avdagiç desired that the Mother’s Day of this year brings the spring and joy back to the world again which is damaged from Coid-19 as well as mothers who make the children spring with their efforts.
Avdagiç added that: “We shall gain the hearts of our mothers, fullfill their longing on these isolation days. I am sure that they know our loves for them even if we can not visit them because of Covid-19. I hope welcoming many Mother’s Day on future with health and wishing mercy upon our mothers who passed away.”