Turkish products at global markets
12 thousand 886 types of Turkish products at global markets Türkiye has been exporting its products to over 240 countries thanks to its robust production infrastructure and advantageous logistic position. Consumers and producers across the globe have been using 12,886 different products from 140 thousand Turkish exporter companies.

Despite the unfavorable global circumstances, Türkiye achieved US$ 255.8 billion worth of exports of goods in 2023. In exports, the automotive industry ranks first, the chemical industry ranks second, and the ready-made garments and clothing industry ranks third.
TÜRKİYE achieved US$ 255.8 billion worth of export of goods in 2023 despite the tight financial conditions adversely affecting the global economy, low growth of trade and regional wars. Within the scope of the Medium-Term Program that covers the economy’s 3-year’ targets and policies, Türkiye aims to raise its export of goods to US$ 267 billion by 2024, US$ 283.6 billion by 2025 and to US$ 302.2 billion by 2026. Türkiye’s resilient production infrastructure and advantageous logistic position will be critical in reaching these targets. Türkiye is exporting its products to over 240 countries and customs areas with 140 thousand exporter companies. On top of all, Türkiye’s 12 thousand 886 different products meet the global consumers and producers.
Türkiye’s share in global merchandise exports exceeded 1 per cent for the first time in 2021. The target set for this area is to increase the share by 1.30 per cent by 2028. Additionally, raising SMEs’ share in exports to 32 per cent, e-commerce’s share to 10 per cent and share of high and medium-high technology products to 50 per cent remain among the targets. The share of medium-high and high-technology product exports remained at 36.9 per cent in 2022, exceeding 40 per cent in 2023. Türkiye is at the 29th rank in global exports, and the increase in its share in global exports is projected to elevate Türkiye to higher positions.
As part of its export targets, Türkiye launched customized focus programs such as the Far Countries Strategies, the Strategy to Develop Exports with Islamic Countries and the Strategy for the Development of Commercial Relations with Africa. On the other hand, despite the annual global growth rate of 4.5 per cent in the last ten years, Türkiye achieved an average of 7.3 per cent growth per year in the export of services. Türkiye raised its services exports figure to US$ 59 billion in 2021 and US$ 89 billion in 2022. It is reported that services exports exceeded US$ 100 billion in 2023. The target for 2028 is determined as raising the services exports to US$ 200 billion. The international contracting services industry has a major share in the services exports, and in this area, Turkish companies have accomplished over 12 thousand projects worth US$ 501.9 billion in 135 countries since 1972.
Product diversity of the exports has been increasing daily while Turkish companies proceed to deliver their products to all corners of the world. All 81 provinces of Türkiye have been conducting export activities, and over US$ 1 billion worth of exports has been performed in 30 provinces in 2023. These achievements demonstrate significant progress in terms of extending export activities. Besides, the high production capacity enables Turkish companies to export their products to different markets. The sectors that remain at the top of Türkiye’s exports are the automotive industry, chemical industry, ready-made garments and clothing sector.
Critical projects for developing the logistics sector in Türkiye are being accomplished.
Infrastructure investments such as Istanbul Airport, Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge, Osmangazi Bridge, Marmaray, 1915 Çanakkale Bridge, Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway, high-speed train systems, Türkiye Logistics Master Plan studies, developments such as the liberalization of the railway transport and activities performed as part of the Trade Facilitation Agreement have been playing a stimulating role in facilitating the internal and international transport activities. The main goal of the nearly US$ 198 billion worth of transport-infrastructure investment and expenses made in the last 21 years is to render Türkiye a logistics base and enable a fast and uninterrupted connection between Asia and Europe.
Logistic advantage in access to markets
As an intercontinental regional hub, Türkiye remains on the passages of Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East. The country is capable of becoming the world’s most important logistics base. Türkiye is regarded as one of the countries that has gained the highest economic benefits from global developments in the sector. Integration of the logistics services over the transport corridors over Türkiye in the East-West and North-South axes and building transfer centres for intermodal transportation are among Türkiye’s global targets as in terms of its strategic position Türkiye provides access to many markets with wide-scale foreign trade volumes. Türkiye’s advantageous geographic position, which enables easy access to East Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa, renders the country a logistics base function with respect to the region’s transport activities.
1. The automotive industry is at the top of exports
The automotive industry, with an export value of over US$ 35 billion in 2023, has become the greatest exporter and is among the pioneers of the Turkish manufacturing industry. The main and sub-industry of the automotive industry, at the same time, form the infrastructure of the defence and shipbuilding industries. Turkey’s automotive industry was initially founded in the 1960s to import substitution and gained an export-oriented competitive character in the 1990s. Since the 2000s, under international monitoring, the automotive industry has reached the capacity to manufacture for OEM (original equipment manufacturer) companies in developed Western countries. As a result of its integration into the global automotive industry and progress over the years, Türkiye surpassed an annual production capacity of approximately 2 million. Export-oriented production rendered Türkiye the world’s 14th-largest automotive manufacturer and Europe’s 4th-biggest. The industry continues to advance with various manufacturers and models while the first domestic automobile brand, Togg, launched mass production.
2.Chemistry products exceeding US$ 30 billion
Turkish chemical industry gained an incredible growth rate in recent years with the progress in innovation and productive power. In 2023, the sector achieved an export volume worth US$ 30.5 billion and ranks 2nd in Turkiye’s overall exports. Türkiye, now a major exporter of chemical substances and products, has been exporting products such as plastic products, pharmaceuticals, paint and lacquer, fertilizers, hygiene and care products worldwide. With its
16 sub-sectors, the chemical industry has contributed to economic growth by extending ‘Made in Türkiye’ quality across the globe with
high added value.
3. Exporting ready-made clothing to over 170 countries
Turkish textile sector is also a globally recognized production and export brand. In 2023, the ready-made garments and clothing industry ranked third in Türkiye’s exports by achieving an export volume of US$ 19.2 billion. Turkey’s most exported goods are ready-made garments, home textiles, upholstery fabrics, and textile products such as carpets and rugs. The textile and ready-made garments manufactured in industrial areas such as Bursa, Gaziantep and Istanbul are being delivered abroad annually by thousands of exporters. Ready-made clothing and textile sectors have been exporting to over 170 countries and regions.