ICOC President Avdagiç: “ Vehicle Numbers in Customs Catch the Time Before the Pandemic”
Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ICOC) Chairman of the Board, Şekib Avdagiç says that the boards in South East, North East and West have an important role in Turkey’s foreign trade, and that the number of vehicles going out of these boards, has decreased in the first period of the outbreak, but now the numbers have catched the 95 percent of the time before the pandemic.

- “The boards in South East, North East and West have an important role in Turkey’s foreign trade. The number of vehicles going out of these boards, has decreased in the first period of the outbreak, but now the numbers catched the 95 percent of the time before the pandemic.”
- -“Saying the accidents have reached at the top point but they will decrease is an optimistic approach. That’s why we must keep taking our precautions.”
Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ICOC) Chairman of the Board, Şekib Avdagiç, says that the boards in South East, North East and West have an important role in Turkey’s foreign trade, and that the number of vehicles going out of these boards, has decreased in the first period of the outbreak, but now the numbers have catched the 95 percent of the time before the pandemic.
According to the explanation of Istanbul Commerce University, the first guest of the conference series which is called as “The Presidents are in the University of Bussiness World” organised by the university, was the ICOC President Şekib Avdagiç.
ICOC President Şekib Avdagiç speaking in the meeting organised through Youtube channel of the university and moderated by Dr. Muhittin Adıguüzel who is the manager of University-Bussiness World Relations Application and Research Center, reminded the opportunities gained by Turkey on the gap of China’s importation in the begining of the pandemic outbreak which is new type coronavirus (Covid-19) and talked about the forwards how we enhance these opportunnities to increase the importation.
Avdagiç evaluated like that “we could not predict it will be a global issue, but the new period and possibilities came out at the end of February. First of all the government and Health Ministry in particular must be put in a completely different place. Health Ministry has attempted to fight with the outbreak and prepared protocols since the first day. Thus, the outbreak started late and went on with the controls in our country when we compared with other countries. The good situation we have reached at the health issues, is the harbinger of our control on somethinss related to the economy
Avdagiç who mention that the convenience on credit payments and short-time working allowance announced by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in 18th of March at the first days of the outbreak, are the positive steps. These are the main steps protecting the employement rate and prohibiting the unemployment.
Şekib Avdagiç,expressed the boards in South East, North East and West have an important role in Turkey’s foreign trade, notified that the number of vehicles going out of these boards, decreased in the first period of the outbreak, but the numbers catched the 95 percent of the time before the pandemic.
Avdagiç saying the some sectors are obligated to go bankrupt not to spread the outbreak but on the other hand some others’ operations go on well, warned like that “But the accidents have reached at the top point but they will decrease is an optimistic approach. That’s why we must keep taking our precautions.”
Avdagiç talked about the motto “ We have to remain standing after to stay alive firstly” formed by themsleves as Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, expressed that “we keep our services and also think about the health of our personnels and we pay attention to physical distance.”
Avdagiç who mention that ICOC expend intensive energy during the outbreak period to protect the society said that there are 54 vocational high schools established by ICOC and they started to produce the mask and disinfectant as soon as the outbreak started.
Avdagiç talking about their supports in “the Campaign of We are Enough For Eahcothers” and the credit breath said that there has been less decline in the numbers of firms which commence operations since the month of March on the contrary of their expectations.
Avdagiç giving the suggestion for youths said that they work at the jobs with salary, they request basic needs such as phone, car and office works, and this is a risk for both themselves and the future of the country.
Şekib Avdagiç mentioning that we are at the below in the line when we compared other developed countries about our youths who are unwilling for entrepreneurship said that Istanbul Commerce University in particular and other universities must be pioneer about this issue.
Istanbul Chamber of Commerce Rector Prof. Dr. Yücel Oğurlu expressed that ICOC is the founder and the biggest supporter of the Istanbul Commerce University and thanked to Şekib Avdagiç on behalf of all directors of ICOC.
Oğurlu who utters the Istanbul Commerce University keeps organising the important events via internet during the pandemic period expressed that ICOC President was the first and best choice to invite for the conference series “Presidents are in the University of Bussiness World” in which they will invite the presidents of Turkey and the biggest chambers.