We are optimistic for new normalization on June
Istanbul Chamber of Commerce President Şekib Avdagiç says that “We are optimistic for the new normalization period when our business world will pass gingerly on June after the Covid. Turkey must evaluate the opportunity of “being a strategic investment stop” in some manufacturing fields which will leave from China”.

Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ICOC) President Şekib Avdagiç, says that “We are optimistic for the new normalization period when our business world will pass gingerly on June after the Covid.”
Avdagiç, the President of ICOC which is the biggest representative of the Istanbul business world with 420 thousand members, made a statement related to last situations of real sector on the outbreak of Covid-19.
Avdagiç says “We are face to face with an unknown which is known”, and that “As we keep gladly the expounded datas; we can be forward on the line of the new world which will be established if we place in the successful link fighing against to virus. We can give the responses speedly for the new orders which Turkey will take in the new world system. Turkey may win in the pandemic geopolitics. We will not say “where were we” when we leave the Covid behind. We can success to increase our economic gains in the new normalization which will arise with the Covid.”
Avdagiç said that “It is focused on both the works for decreasing the effects of Covid-19 in the real sector, and the proformas for increasing the economic activities in Turkey.”
Şekib Avdagiç asked a question “What kind of recovery is waiting for us?”, and kept the words like that: “ A term which empowers the demand, will start when the economics begin to open gradually.The production which is postponed in manufacturing will be put into use. Supply chains will start working. The demands wil take time to be in order. But we do not have doubt to survive on this period. Everybody is getting ready slowly to come back to the life. Maybe the restaurant having 100 tables will serve only its 20 tables. Thus, we will start the coming back to the life like that.”
Avdagiç attracted the attention for Turkey which will have opportunities while passing gradually to the new normalization in the world. Avdagiç said that “World press announces the achievements of Turkey on the production of medical materials and medical devices in particular. It honors us. It is in our responsibilities to improve this positive image as an opportunity. Turkey will find a place for itself in this economic paradigm differentiation while the e-trade is experiencing ‘a renaissance’.”
ICOC President Şekib Avdagiç emphasized that “ Turkey has important opportunities in this short term such as having sufficient intensive care units, the success on the production of respiratory devices, health coverage system and qualified health centers which are not seen in Europe. Besides, Avdagiç said that “The global PR which is provided through our medical production capacity has mirrored to the power of Turkey.”
Şekib Avdagiç expressed the attention on Turkey’s product diversity, and mentioned that “ The possibility of China’s inhibition on game setting will definitely be a positive factor according to the evaluations of the economists. Turkey must evaluate this opportunity of ‘being a strategic investment stop’ on some manufacturing fields which leave from China in this period.”
Avdagiç said that none of the countries in the world muddle through one qarantine on this period, it has to be focused on the new opportunities will come forward after the outbreak.
Şekib Avdagiç also said like that “we do not have to trust in new normalization so much. This period will keep until the injection is found and delivered to the societies. Turkey has to complete this period successfully through its adaptation to the changable business models.”
Avdagiç talked about the new form in the capitalism after Covid-19, and said that “ We see that the new capitalism seems like social government, and much more active regulative corporations on this diversity. The world is passing from the philosophy of ‘just in time’ expressing the production without stock and being the fundamental of production system to a new model which is the ‘just in case’ refering the production with a little stock keeping. I think that the firms will be discreet much more. We have to be ready for this kind of period.”