Let’s transform the understanding of ancestors on ‘as if I ate’ into ‘as if I bought’
Istanbul Chamber of Commerce President Şekib Avdagiç, said on the explanation on account of Ramadan that “We need the feeling of empathy on account of Ramadan rather than other days. We have to fund-raising for our traders, operators with transforming the understanding of ancestors on ‘as if I ate’ to ‘as if I bought’. On this Ramadan, the time is helping time for the services which from we have not bought anything because of Covid-19.”

Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ICOC) President Şekib Avdagiç, celebrated the Ramadan of the world of Islam on behalf of Istanbul business world.
Avdagiç says that the month of Ramadan is an important beginning for the new ecosystem which is damaged with the reason of coronavirus (Covid-19), and that: “We live in the days having same meaning of staking a claim on grocer, market, hairdresser, stationery seller in the neighbourhood with staking a claim on country economy. The little structure stones of the economy are like the fundamental poles protecting the all system in the corona days. Turkish ecosystem will keep standing and renovate itself with them. Ramadan is the biggest consolation helping us in those outbreak days. Now we will undestand the importances of solidarity, fertility, divine mercy and the forgiveness of sins and helping on the highest level. We will live together the miracle of increasing with sharing like believing with producing. It is the time to protect together the all gains agains to Coronavirus.”
Şekib Avdagiç called the philanthropists to transform the month of Ramadan into generosity feast. Avdagiç spoke like that “There is a mind in our culture and belief like ‘purchasing the charge notebook’. There is a soul in the Ramadan to deliver the alms and charity, and to send provisions packages to people who need. We grew up with the principle of sharing with the neighbours as ‘we did not sleep with full of stomach if they were hungry’. We grew up the epical stories of the shopkeepers who did not sell anything to their second customers when their neighbours did not make their first sale of the day. This Ramadan is the time to activate their stories again. Wıth the Ramadan soul, the time is the time to protect the small scale businesses in particular which are close with the reason of the outbreak. In other words, on this Ramadan the time is helping time for the services which from we have not bought anything because of Covid-19.”
Avdagiç says that the application of this understanding has to be for not only trade ecosystem but also tanents of the land owners having big opportunities as well, and that “ We have to share our responsiblities in these conditions. Sharing the burdens of tenants with property owners through the feeling of empathy will be convenient very much for the solidarity soul of these hard days. We will win the handicaps formed by Coronavirıs with this soul. As a country we need much more the soul of empathy in the Ramadan rather than usual. We have to fund eachother, our shopkeepers, merchants, operations with transforming the understanding of ancesstors ‘as if I ate’ into ‘as if I bought’. Through this consciousness, it will be possible to protect the economic standing of our society who internalize the understanding of ‘beautiful debt’ system in the culture of Karz-ı Hasen”.